E-posters 2024

Titre | Catégories | Lien | hf:doc_categories |
1 – Key Frequency for Loudness Discomfort Levels in Patients with Hyperacusis | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
2 – The relationship between auditory processing, speech, language, and cognition in children with Listening Difficulties. | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
3 – Effectiveness of Hearables in Enhancing Speech Recognition in Normal-Hearing Individuals | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
4 – Performance of children and adolescents on the French VRB (QuickSIN) sentence-in-noise test | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
Evolution of speech perception in patients with ossified cochlea and short array cochlear implant | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P002 – Efficacité à long terme du traitement par velmanase alfa chez les patients atteints d’alpha-mannosidose : Données regroupées de deux études d’extension (jusqu’à 12 ans de traitement) | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P003 – Tuberculose ganglionnaire – A propos d’un cas. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P005 – fistule prétragienne manifestée par une lesion exophytique: à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P005 – The influence of deafness and cochlear implant on working memory development in children | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P006 – a giant cervical lipoma: a case report | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P006 – Evolution of Cognitive Functioning after Cochlear Implantation in Adults Aged 55 Years and Older at Risk for Mild Cognitive Impairment: Preliminary Results | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P007 – Early activation of cochlear implants in children | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P007 – le carcinome secretoire de la thyroide; une entité rare : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P008 – Particularités du carcinome papillaire de la thyroide chez l’homme | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P008 – The effectiveness of a weighted prediction error algorithm for dereverberation in cochlear implants | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P009 – Comparison of Tonotopic and Default Frequency Fitting for Speech Understanding in Noise in New Cochlear Implantees: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Cross-Over Study | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P009 – Skin defect in nasal pyramid cancers : Anatomo clinical caracteristics reconstruction Procedures | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P010 – Cervical hamartoma: A case report | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P011 – Cancers de la cavité orale et de la lèvre ; analyse rétrospective : à propos de 72 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P011 – Changes in Revision Cochlear Implantation and Device Failure Profiles | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P012 – EEG-based Auditory Attention Decoding for neuro-steered hearing aids: decoding conversations in a multi-talker restaurant environment | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P013 – Medial Olivocochlear Reflex with stimulus FPL-calibration: Preliminar results in adults | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P015 – Distortion product otoacoustic emissions in patients with tinnitus and normal pure-tone thresholds. | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P015 – Lipome parotidien : A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P016 – Predictive accuracy of wideband tympanometry in identifying conductive hearing loss in infants | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P016 – Prise en charge des tumeurs de la langue chez le sujet âgé | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P017 – Double ectopie thyroïdienne basilinguale et cervicale haute à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P018 – Angine ulcéro-nécrotique de Vincent : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P019 – Auditory Cognitive Determinants of Speech-in-Noise Perception | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P019 – Les cellulites cervico-faciales chez le diabétique | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P020 – Decades of Improvement: Unravelling the factors behind better hearing in Swedish 70-year-olds | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P020 – Post-it : Pour les patients avec cancers ORL récidivants inopérables et/ou métastatiques, la chimiothérapie est-elle plus efficace après une ligne par immunothérapie ? | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P021 – chirurgie de l’hyperthyroïdie | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P021 – Metformin alleviates auditory cell senescence by mitophagy induction | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P022 – Cochlea Transcriptome Analysis of the GJB2 gene p.V37I Mutant Aging Mice | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P022 – Localisation inhabituelle d’un accident hémorragique aux antivitamines K : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P023 – Association between age-related hearing loss and gait disorders in older | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P023 – Sensibilité et spécificité de l’IRM diffusion perfusion dans le diagnostic des cancers parotidiens | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P024 – Two cases of auditory neuropathy in children with mutations in TWNK gene | Clinical Genetics | clinical-genetics | |
P025 – Syndrome de Garcin révélant un cancer du sein: a propos d’un cas. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P025 – Visuospatial working memory as a predictor of gait performance in adults with normal hearing and hearing aid users: a longitudinal perspective | Cognition | cognition | |
P026 – Le lymphangiome kystique cervico-thoracique : à propos de 16 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P026 – Poorer reading comprehension with increased reliance on working memory in adults with hearing loss | Cognition | cognition | |
P027 – The auditory phenotype of behavioural variant and right temporal variant frontotemporal dementia | Cognition | cognition | |
P027 – Volumineux kyste dermoïde du plancher buccal engendrant le pronostic vital | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P028 – ACTINOMYCOSE PAROTIDIENNE – À propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P028 – Uncertain evidence of disruption in the processing of speech in noise by student musicians at risk of cochlear synaptopathy | Complex Auditory Disorders | complex-auditory-disorders | |
P029 – Developmental Coordination Disorder and Auditory Processing in shool- aged children | Complex Auditory Disorders | complex-auditory-disorders | |
P029 – L’UCNT de l’enfant et de l’adulte jeune : particularités cliniques et évolutives | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P030 – Enhancing Auditory Perception through Tactile Stimulation: A Comparative Study of Auditory, Tactile, and Multimodal Timbre Perception and Music Recognition | Psychophysics & Music Perception | psychophysics-music-perception | |
P031 – Kyste hydatique de la thyroide :à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P031 – The Impact of Hearing Aid Use on Mental Health in Patients with Hearing Loss: A Nationwide Population-Based Study | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P032 – Caractéristiques cliniques de la laryngectomie totale chez les sujets âgés | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P032 – Disadvantaged Individuals Willingness to Pay for Hearing Aids and Services in the US | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P033 – Advancing Auditory Processing Disorder Management in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Intervention Efficacy | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P033 – Prise en charge des carcinomes basocellulaires et spinocellulaires de la face : apports de la prévention, du dépistage, puis du traitement : spécificité du territoire du golfe de St-Tropez et résultats. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P034 – phlegmon periamygdalien chez l’adulte : variation saisonnière et facteurs favorisants la survenue | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P035 – Barriers and non-auditory constraints to the use of hearing aids in subjects with motor and/or visual impairments | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P035 – Neurofibromatose compressive du cou : A propos d’un syndrome de Von Recklinghausen | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P036 – Dermato-fibrosarcome à Localisation ORL : À propos d’un cas rare et revues de la littérature | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P036 – Microneedle-mediated delivery of AAV through the round window membrane for inner ear gene therapy | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P037 – Tumeurs salivaires à localisation ectopique : À propos d’un cas exceptionnel | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P038 – Extra-parotid pleomorphic adenoma | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P038 – Remote Check tool for Cochlear Implant follow up in adults’ patients | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P039 – Laryngectomie partielle chez les patients âgés | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P040 – Assistive technology to support the most common type of childhood hearing loss in UK and Malawi | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P040 – Exceptional association complicating a peritonsillar abscess: Lemierre syndrome and cavernous sinus thrombosis | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P041 – Preserving the Hearing Health of Music Students: Exploratory study on knowledge, behavior and attitudes facing sound overexposure | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P041 – Results of cervical lymph nodes tuberculosis treatment with combined anti-tuberculosis drugs | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P042 – Cervical lymph node tuberculosis: what to do when faced with the side effects of combined treatment? | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P043 – That looks noisy: evaluation and preference of an image-based questionnaire (IBQ) for assessing hearing | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P044 – Wideband frequency impedance for diagnosis of ossicular chain abnormality | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P045 – Estimation of an audiogram using Chirp stimulus in children with sensorioneural hearing loss. | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P045 – Etude clinique et prise en charge thérapeutique du Noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP) | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P046 – Sex differences in associated factors for age-related hearing loss | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P047 – Tests for assessing extended high-frequency hearing in humans: a scoping review | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P048 – Kystes et fistules congénitaux du cou . Notre expérience | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P048 – Offering targeted screening for congenital CMV at the regional level: what do Maternity Units say? | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P049 – Audiological profile and analysis of auditory self-perception post-covid-19 | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P049 – Small Cell Neuroendocrine Cervical Carcinoma : a case report | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P050 – Carcinome épidermoïde du pavillon de l’oreille: à propos de 3 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P051 – The impact of using the Ida “My Hearing Explained” tool on audiologists’ language and patient understanding of hearing test results: a comparison with standard audiogram explanations. | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P052 – Changes in auditory cortical activity contralateral to the stimulation related to improved auditory spatial ability after VR-based training | Single Sided Deafness & Asymmetric Hearing Loss | single-sided-deafness-asymmetric-hearing-loss | |
P053 – Seeing Speech: Probing the cerebral mechanisms of Cued Speech perception | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P054 – Auditory Processing deficitis in children with stuttering | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P055 – Mucopyocèle du sinus maxillaire :à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P055 – The neural mechanisms of alertness deficits in relation to tinnitus | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P056 – Development of an awake animal model for hyperacusis screening | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P056 – Lateral metastasis of papillary thyroid carcinoma, what else can it be? | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P057 – Cellulite cervicale révélant un kyste du tractus thyroglosse: à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P057 – Rough sounds processing: effects on autonomic, behavioral and neural responses in population with heightened sensitivity to sounds | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P058 – Behavioral and Electrophysiological Perspectives on Attention and Working Memory in Tinnitus | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P058 – Métastase mandibulaire d’un ostéosarcome du genou : A propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P059 – Myosite du masséter : Une cause rare de trismus | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P060 – Dynamic posture characteristics and hearing capabilities in patients with obstructive sleep apnea | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P060 – La corrélation clinique, échographique, cytologique et histologique dans le diagnostic des nodules thyroïdiens. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P061 – Cochlear nerve diameter and cochlear implant outcome in postlingual deaf adults | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P061 – La laryngectomie totale de rattrapage majore-t-elle la survenue de de fistule pharyngo-cutanée ? | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P062 – Améloblastome du sinus maxillaire : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P062 – Effectiveness of Bone Conduction Hearing Aids in young children with congenital aural Atresia and Microtia | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P063 – Cochlear implantation in children with congenital malformations of the mastoid process | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P063 – Indications De l’exentération orbitaire en cancérologie ORL | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P064 – A case report of Riboflavin Treatment and Cochlear Implants in a 4-year-old girl with progressive hearing loss and delayed speech development: Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere Syndrome | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P064 – Hobnail Variant of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (HVPTC) : a rare and agressive variant : Case report | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P065 – Asynchronous internet-based triage for pediatric clinical monitoring of CI recipients | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P066 – In-vivo re-magnetization of a cochlear implant magnet using 3T magnetic resonance imaging | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P066 – Occult level II nodal metastasis in N1b papillary thyroid gland carcinoma | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P067 – Evaluation of functional results of cochlear implantation ; our experience | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P068 – Riedel’s thyroiditis: a rare diagnosis to consider when faced with an acute thyroid abscess | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P071 – Hyperplasie angiolymphoïde avec éosinophilie parotidienne défigurante : A propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P072 – An uncommon and distinctive type of goiter to recognize: about 5 cases | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P072 – Increasing access to cochlear implants through a multi-stakeholder approach | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P073 – Le lymphome non hodgkinien primitif de la thyroïde associé une hyperthyroïdie : une entité rare : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P074 – Cochlear implantation in adults | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P074 – Présentation inhabituelle d’un adénome parathyroïdien | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P075 – Hypercalcemia in locally advanced laryngeal cancer: an etiology to consider and a case report | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P075 – Sequential Cochlear Implantation in long term auditory deprivation in prelingual hearing loss | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P076 – Carcinome papillaire de la thyroide révélés par des métastases kystiques | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P076 – CT-Based Mapping at Initial Activation: A Longitudinal Study of Music and Speech Perception | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P078 – Intraoperative Voltagematrix for detecting tip fold over or basal kinkings in cochlear implants | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P078 – Paragangliome vagal mimant une métastase ganglionnaire d’un carcinome papillaire de la thyroïde | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P079 – AUDITO: A web-based listening test system for auditory research with cochlear implant recipients | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P080 – Exploring Temporal Mechanisms of Pitch Perception Using the Apical Electrodes of a Cochlear Implant | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P080 – Tumeur desmoide de la région cervico-faciale : A propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P081 – Le papillome inversé nasosinusien dégénéré : A propos de deux cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P082 – Expert Opinion on Candidacy for Bone Conduction Implants | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P082 – Sarcome folliculaire dendritique cervical : A propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P083 – Growth in device use after Bonebridge placement under expanded indications: Implications for early auditory experience | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P083 – Reconstruction with Cervico-thoracic Flap: Indications and Results | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P084 – Basal cell carcinoma: Recurrence rate and related risk factors | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P084 – Evaluating Speech Audibility with ADHEAR: Enhancing Audibility Measurements through a Skull Simulator Adaptor. | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P085 – Adults using Cochlear Implant: Assessment of Hearing and Speech Perception | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P085 – Carcinome muco-épidermoide du palais: A propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P086 – How Frequency-based Processing May Help Clinicians Improve Sound Quality Perception in Cochlear Implant Users | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P086 – Le traitement chirurgical des hyperparathyroidies chez les insuffisants rénaux | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P087 – laryngeal amyloidosis revealing multiple myeloma: a case report | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P087 – Sound localization in sequential cochlear implant users. Preliminary results from a multicentric longitudinal study | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P088 – Diagnostic de la tuberculose ganglionnaire cervicale : Cytoponction ou chirurgie ? | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P088 – Getting More Auditory-Nerve Bang For Your Facial-Nerve Buck: Effects Of Pulse Shape On Loudness And Facial-Nerve Activation In Cochlear-Implant Listeners | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P089 – Perception of social support by adults scheduled for cochlear implantation | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P090 – Effects of wind noise reduction on speech perception with the MED-EL Sonnet cochlear implant audio processor | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P090 – La prise en charge des carcinomes différenciés de la thyroïde réfractaires à l`iode | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P091 – Can an unaided localization ability be a predictor of CI squelch benefit in patients with residual hearing in the implanted ear | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P091 – Fistule oesotracheale post thyroidectomie : a propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P092 – Implication de l’automédication dans les complications des pharyngites | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P092 – Rehabilitation with cochlear implants in children: the role of the family | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P093 – Abcès rétropharyngé tuberculeux révélant un mal de pott: à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P094 – Profil évolutif des thyroïdectomies ambulatoires : Etude de 45 cas dans une campagne de chirurgie humanitaire à Yaoundé | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P095 – Facteurs prédictifs de qualité de vie après laryngectomie totale, une analyse multivariée. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P096 – Analysis of intraoperative trauma of Slim Modiolar electrode | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P096 – Prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique de la tumeur de Warthin de siège parotidien : notre expérience | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P097 – Sensibilité et spécificité la TDM dans le bilan d’extension régional du cancer du larynx | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P097 – Subjective and audiological benefit of BONEBRIDGE (BCI602) with two different fitting strategies | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P098 – Barriers to Early Progress in Adult Cochlear Implant Outcomes | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P098 – Nerf laryngé inferieur non recurrent | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P099 – Les paragangliomes carotidiens | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P100 – Long term results after cochlear implantation in elderly patients | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P101 – Cochlear implant under 3 years old: off-the-ear or behind-the-ear processor: wich is the best? | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P101 – Place de la cytoponction dans le diagnostic des tumeurs des glandes salivaires principales | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P102 – Five years of outcomes and innovation with the Osia system: a systematic literature review | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P102 – La tuberculose de la glande parotide : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P103 – A long-term comparison of impedance and pulse widths changes between the Contour Advanced and the Slim Straight cochlear implant in children | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P104 – Carcinome Verruqueux Nasal: Diagnostic, Traitement et Reconstruction – Une Étude de Cas Élargie | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P104 – Large cohort analysis over clinical objective measurements, fittings and manufacturers of cochlear implants | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P105 – Evaluating changes in ECAP thresholds from morning to evening in a longitudinal study | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P105 – Œdème facial post-séisme : Compression veineuse en cause | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P106 – Gestion Palliative d’un Carcinome Épidermoïde Géant de l’Hémiface Droite | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P106 – Influence of individualized mapping procedures for cochlear implant recipients | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P108 – Abcès rétropharyngé d’origine tuberculeux révélant un mal de pott cervical : a propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P108 – Long-term follow-up of the Bone Conduction Implant | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P109 – Entre esthétique et santé : Les défis des troubles oro-faciaux de la Neurofibromatose de Type 1 | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P109 – Investigating the Impact of Electrical Cochlear Stimulation Level and Site on the Electrically Evoked Auditory Brainstem Response in Long Electrode Array Cochlear Implant Recipients | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P110 – A hybrid FEM and experimental study on the relation between temporal bone 3D motion and intracochlear pressure under bone conduction. | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P110 – Submental Flap in Reconstruction of the genial region after wide Surgical Resection of nodular basal cell carcinoma | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P111 – cas rare d’un laryngocèle associé à un carcinome laryngé | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P111 – Investigation of the Skull Bone Sound Waves under Bone Conduction In-vivo | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P112 – Rosai-Dorfmandisease of the maxillary sinus | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P112 – Using artificial intelligence for the enhancement of speech in noise perception in typical-hearing adults | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P113 – Kyste congénital et fistule du dorsum nasal : Rapport de cas et revue de la littérature | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P114 – Candidacy for Cochlear Implantation in Prelingual Profoundly Deaf Adult Patients | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P114 – Néoplasme folliculaire et cytologie indéterminée dans les nodules thyroïdiens : taux de malignité histologique et prise en charge thérapeutique | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P115 – Lymphome T/NK type nasal : à propos de deux cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P115 – Unveiling the Performance of the an Automatic Classifier in Varied Acoustic Settings for Pediatric Cochlear Implant Recipients: Insights from Virtual Classrooms | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P116 – Effect of an ambient noise reduction algorithm on speech perception as a function of noise type in cochlear implant users | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P116 – Hypothyroïdie après hemithyroidectomie : incidence et facteurs de risque | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P117 – Adénome pléomorphe récidivant massif de la parotide avec métastases concomitantes ganglionnaires : A propos de 2 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P118 – Cochlear implant electrode displacement: a case series | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P118 – Sinonasal lymphoepithelial carcinoma is UCNT’s evil cousin: Case report of an extremely rare neoplasm | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P119 – Parotid teratoma: A rare localization | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P120 – Evolution of environmental sound perception in cochlear implanted children | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P121 – Determination of the role of AutoRT thresholds in setting up SONNET 2 and RONDO 3 speech processors in a pediatric cochlear implant system | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P121 – Sensibilité de la TDM dans la détection des invasions cartilagineuses laryngées | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P122 – Chirurgie des carcinomes épidermoïdes laryngés infiltrant la peau | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P122 – The impact of changing the parameters of the “sonnet 2” speech processor in the cochlear implantation system in children | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P123 – Les carcinomes adénoides kystiques de la tête et du cou : aspects pronostiques et thérapeutiques | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P123 – Unilateral vs. Bilateral Evaluation of Speech Recognition in CI-Candidates | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P124 – Maladie de Castleman de localisation cervicale : Une entité à connaître | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P124 – Neural responses in cochlear implant users: Fitting implications in distinct age groups | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P125 – Cochlear implantation is suitable for outpatient surgery in children of all ages, even infants. | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P125 – Les syndromes paranéoplasiques en oncologie ORL : fréquence et impact thérapeutique. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P126 – Application of Voice Extraction technology in assessing speech intelligibility in adult patients after cochlear implantation | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P126 – Nodules thyroïdiens de l’enfant | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P127 – Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Clinical and Imaging Correlation | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P128 – Kyste du tractus thyréoglosse du sujet âgé : limite d’âge de découverte et risque de transformation maligne. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P128 – Rehabilitation Intervention for Speech Intelligibility in Children with Bimodal Implants: A Case Study | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P129 – Corrélation radio-anatomopathologique des nodules EUTIRADS 5 | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P129 – The interplay of Forward Focus and Advanced Combination Encoder CI coding strategies in noisy conditions | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P130 – Le monitoring peropératoire du nerf récurrent dans les chirurgies cervicales à risque | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P130 – Validation of the English language version of the Hearing Loss Quality of Life Questionnaire | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P131 – Les facteurs associés à l’atteinte ganglionnaire des secteurs IIB et IV dans les carcinomes épidermoïdes du larynx sans atteinte ganglionnaire clinique (CN0) | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P132 – Cochlear implant extrusion due to internal magnet allergy | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P132 – Thyroid Nodule Assessment: Role of EU-TIRADS and Fine Needle Aspiration | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P133 – Reconstruction de la paupière inférieure après résection tumorale : l’utilisation du lambeau de rotation de la joue de Mustarde | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P134 – Amusia and its implication on speech perception in pediatric cochlear implant users | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P134 – Les carcinomes épidermoïdes du larynx chez la femme | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P135 – Métastase épidurale révélant un cancer différencié de la thyroïde : A propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P135 – Parental Experiences of the Parent-to-Parent Support Group Throughout Their Children’s Cochlear Implantation Journey: A Preliminary Finding | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P136 – les suppuration des espaces péri pharyngés: à propos de 10 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P137 – Les facteurs pronostiques de survie sans récidive chez les patients atteints de carcinome médullaire de la thyroïde | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P138 – Electrical stimulation as a treatment for tinnitus: long-term study in adults | Auditory Implants | auditory-implants | |
P138 – Le risque d’hypocalcémie en cas de thyroïdectomie totale avec curage médiastino-récurrentiel | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P140 – Carcinome à cellules claires hyalinisant de l’amygdale : A propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P141 – Forward masking in cortical auditory evoked potentials with speech stimuli in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P142 – Esthésioneuroblastome : Analyse de 10 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P143 – Cancer de l’oropharynx T1-T2 N2b opéré : contrôle loco régional après radiothérapie cervicale unilatérale ou bilatérale | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P143 – Reliability of connectivity for the assessment of hearing perception in cochlear implants’ recipients | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P144 – Carcinome papillaire et vésiculaire de la thyroïde dans un même examen anatomopathologique : une association exceptionnelle | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P144 – Pre-surgical 3D modelling based on segmented Dyna-CT images helps to access the human stapedius muscle surgically | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P145 – Impact of Covid-19 on the auditory system of infants whose mothers had Covid-19 during pregnancy and of children and adolescents in the post-acute phase | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P145 – Sociabilité à 5 ans après le diagnostic d’un cancer de la tête et du cou | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P146 – Evaluation of Cognitive Functions with P300 in Individuals Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease: Comparison of Nursing Home and Family Settings. | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P146 – Utilisation de Tags pour le résumé collaboratif de vidéos chirurgicales | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P147 – Présentation atypique de l’adénome pléomorphe de la glande parotide à l’imagerie par résonnance magnétique : à propos de 7cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P147 – Repetition positivity and sound intensity changes in normal listeners | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P148 – Adénome pléomorphe récidivant de la glande parotide: A propos de 5cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P149 – Facteurs associés à la survenue de métastases ganglionnaires dans le carcinome papillaire de la thyroïde | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P149 – Music and Hearing in the First Year of Life: A Systematic Literature Review on Inter Stimulus Intervals Used in Auditory Evoked Potentials | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P150 – Complications et résultats de la chirurgie parotidienne au cours de l’adénome pléomorphe de la glande parotide : Notre expérience à propos de 73 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P150 – Intraoperative assessment of cochlear nerve functionality in various vestibular schwannoma scenarios: lessons learned | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P151 – Effect of modulated masking on electrophysiological and behavioral measures | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P151 – Métastase ganglionnaire occulte dans le carcinome épidermoïde du larynx localement avancé | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P152 – Laryngeal Kaposi Sarcoma: An Odd Histology and Evolution | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P153 – MRI and EEG indicators of the neural bases of auditory processing disorder | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P153 – Santé sexuelle 5 ans après le diagnostic d’un cancer de la tête et du cou | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P154 – Les tumeurs parapharyngées : particularités cliniques et thérapeutiques | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P154 – Multifrequency ECochG Intraoperative Monitoring during Cochlear Implantation: Surgical Considerations | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P155 – Laryngeal amyloidosis mimicking laryngealcancer: clinical features and management | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P156 – Adénome pléomorphe de la glande parotide: Approche diagnostique et prise en charge thérapeutique | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P156 – Auditory evaluation in children and adolescents with cancer: impacts of differents types of treatments | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P157 – Auditory Neural Responses and Communication Function in Children with Prenatal Exposure to the Zika Virus | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P157 – Hyperparathyroïdie primaire : Aspects cliniques et prise en charge thérapeutique | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P158 – Intérêt du doppler implantable Cook en cancérologie cervico-faciale | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P158 – The interphase gap (IPG) effect on electrically evoked compound action potential recorded from cochlear implant users with varied deaf duration | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P159 – Eagl syndrome. Quelle voie d’abord choisir ? À propos de six cas et revue de la littérature | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P159 – The Importance of Conducting Auditory Brainstem Evoked Potentials in the Screening of Hearing Loss | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P160 – Overcoming Limitations to the Utilization of Extended-High Frequency Otoacoustic Emissions for Ototoxicity Monitoring | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P161 – Traitement chirurgical des Larynx non fonctionnels par laryngectomie extra-muqueuse, nouvelle technique opératoire. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P162 – Cortical Auditory Evoked Potential in Asymptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P162 – Syndrome de Lemierre causé par Klebsiella pneumoniae : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P163 – Les tumeurs oncoytaires( de la glande thyroide | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P163 – The effect of auditory masking on error-related negativity (ERN): A pilot study | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P164 – Adénome pléomorphe géant de la glande submandibulaire : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P164 – Comparison of Three Methods for Measuring the Summation Potential (SP) and Action Potential (AP) in Tympanic Electrocochleography | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P165 – Electroencephalographic measurements of auditory development in the first year of life | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P165 – Schwanomme de nerf grand auriculaire : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P166 – un cas de carcinome épidermoïde basaloïde endo-auriculaire droit extensif au massif facial | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P167 – Investigating the Effect of Cochlear Implant Usage Metrics on Cortical Auditory-Evoked Potential Responses in Adult Recipients Post-Implantation | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P167 – L’impact des anti-inflammatoires dans les cellulites cervico faciales | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P168 – Le synovialosarcome hypopharyngé : Caractéristiques Cliniques et Prise en Charge thérapeutique | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P168 – Objective brain measures to detect uncomfortable loudness levels for improving the fitting process of cochlear implants | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P169 – Challenges in managing dyspneic cervical teratomas in Algeria | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P170 – Abcès froid amygdalien d’origine tuberculeuse associé à une tuberculose ganglionnaire cervicale : A propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P170 – Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR) as an objective hearing measurement in nonagenarians | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P171 – Wideband Tympanometry in Unilateral Sudden Hearing loss | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P172 – The auditory steady state response, and the relationship between electrophysiological and behavioral thresholds | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P173 – Objective brain measures to detect uncomfortable loudness levels for improving the fitting process of cochlear implants | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P173 – Thyroïde ectopique basilinguale. Quelle attitude adopter ? A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P174 – Carcinomes indifférenciés de la thyroïde?: Quel protocole thérapeutique appliqué ? | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P175 – Acoustic Reflex Amplitude Growth in Young Adults | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P175 – Qualité de vie de patients laryngectomisés pour dysfonctions pharyngolaryngées sévères : étude rétrospective. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P176 – AIM provides real-time feedback to the cochlear implant surgeon for optimal and atraumatic electrode insertions | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P176 – Carcinome épidermoïde de la cavité buccale du jeune adulte, biomarqueurs et stratification pronostique | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P177 – Carcinome Parathyroïdien intrathyroidien : À propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P178 – Objective measurement of audibility for patients with bone conduction devices using a new skin microphone | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P178 – Une étude comparative transversale : ChatGPT 3.5 versus divers niveaux d’experts médicaux dans le diagnostic des maladies ORL | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P179 – The relationship between the electrically evoked stapedius reflex threshold and stimulus burst duration in pediatric cochlear implant users – preliminary data | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P180 – Behavioral and electrophysiological auditory processing assessment in children after traumatic brain injury | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P180 – évolution à moyen terme des capacités subjectives et objectives (reconnaissance et d’intensité) gustatives chez les patients atteints de cancer des voies aérodigestives supérieures | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P181 – CI electrode impedance as an indirect biomarker for residual hearing | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P181 – Nodules thyroïdiens : Corrélations cyto-histologiques | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P182 – Impact des 2ème, 3ème et 4ème vagues de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les délais de prise en charge en cancérologie ORL : une étude rétrospective d’un centre expert français | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P183 – Abcès thyroïdien : Une infection rare et un germe atypique à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P183 – Peripheral and central auditory system in adults after COVID-19 infection | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P184 – Cortical auditory evoked potentials in children with specific learning disorders | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P184 – Métastases ganglionnaires d’un carcinome papillaire thyroïdien sans foyer primitif : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P185 – Prise en charge des carcinomes salivaires de la langue de stade avancé, une étude du REFCOR. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P185 – Stimulus-Frequency Otoacoustic Emissions: Test Retest Reliability | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P186 – La chirurgie robotique par voie transorale pour le traitement des carcinomes salivaires de la base de langue, une étude du REFCOR. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P186 – Modifications on the Auditory P300 induced by ventriculoperitoneal shunting on normal pressure hydrocephalus: preliminary results | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P187 – Features of Whartin’s tumor on MRI | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P187 – High frequency distorsion products of otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE): a little-used audiological tool – identification of factors affecting responses in a pediatric population. | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P188 – Evolution ganglionnaire des carcinomes épidermoïdes orbito-palpébraux | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P188 – Optimising cochlear nerve monitoring in vestibular schwannoma (VS) removal with ANTS test electrode. | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P189 – Auditory Evoked Potentials before and after the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in individuals with Obstructive Sleep Apnea | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P189 – Les mélanomes primitifs non cutanés cervico-faciaux | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P190 – Les lymphangiomes kystiques de la tête et cou | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P191 – Auditory Steady-state Response and Behavioral Assessment in children: comparing results | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P191 – Nodule thyroïdien chez l’enfant : Faut-il inciser ? | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P192 – Auditory P300 monitoring on the cerebrospinal fluid Tap-test: preliminary results | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P192 – Le syndrome de Claude Bernard-Horner post curage ganglionnaire cervical : Une entité rarissime | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P193 – Using cortical auditory evoked potentials in middle ear and bone conduction implant users: An objective method to optimise the fitting. | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P193 – Vidéoradioscopie pour la détection des fuites salivaires après (pharyngo-)laryngectomie totale : étude rétrospective monocentrique. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P194 – Geographic Availability of Resources Needed for the Practice of Rigid Esophagoscopy in Cameroon: A National Survey | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P195 – Intranasal dexmedetomidine for sedation in ABR testing in children | Auditory Objective Measures | auditory-objective-measures | |
P195 – L’effet de la thérapie au laser de bas niveau prophylactique sur la mucite buccale suite à la chimioradiothérapie dans les cancers de la tête et du cou : une revue systématique | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P196 – Malignant paraganglioma of the vagus nerve: diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P196 – Optimizing the simultaneous identification of the three type I spiral ganglion neuron subtypes in models of genetic forms of deafness. | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P197 – Métastase mandibulaire d’un adénocarcinome colorectal | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P198 – Does the condition of the contralateral ear influence the success of tympanoplasty ? | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P198 – évaluation de la santé sexuelle chez les patients atteints d’un cancer des voies aérodigestives supérieures avant, pendant et un an après le traitement | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P199 – Is cartilage more effective in treatment of type I tympanoplasty ? | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P199 – Traitement chirurgicale des pathologies tumorale palatine , à propos d’une série de cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P200 – Musical training and development of auditory skills in early childhood: A systematic review | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P200 – Prise en charge chirurgicale des pathologies tumorales de la cavité orale, à propos d’une série de cas . | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P202 – Building the bridge for holistic hearing healthcare in Canada: empowering audiologists to appreciate their integral role in primary care | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P202 – Place du Cancer au sein des nodules thyroidiens opérés, à propos de 65 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P203 – Cancers pharyngo-laryngés; quelles approches thérapeutiques pour les stades avancés? A propos de 150 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P203 – Evidence-based audiological practice in Sweden – a national survey | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P204 – acceptabilité de la télésurveillance chez des patients atteints d’un cancer de la tête et du cou | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P204 – Improving the psychosocial and emotional well-being of adults with hearing loss through co-designed evidence based communication education programs: ACE2.0 | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P205 – Exploring factors influencing engagement of interpreters with hearing care professionals | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P205 – Impact nutritionnel du goût métallique chez les patients atteints de cancer de la tête et du cou : Explorations et implications cliniques | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P206 – Evaluation de la pertinence des outils de diagnostic de la dénutrition des cancers des voies aérodigestives supérieures | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
P207 – La cicatrisation dirigée : moyen simple pour la réparation d’une perte de substance complexe (case report) | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
P207 – Sex differences in auditory function and behavior across age in the DBA2 mice model | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P208 – Factors influencing the use of hearing services among adults from diverse ethnic communities in Australia | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P209 – Adaptation and Validation of the Chronic Otitis Media Outcome Test-15 (COMOT-15) in French and Spanish | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P210 – Psychosocial, Occupational and Financial Situation of Parents of Children with Cochlear Implants | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P211 – Hearing loss Quality of Life, Loneliness and Self-Esteem in adult Patients with Cochlear Implant | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P212 – Micro-CT analysis of rodent temporal bones: Identifying optimal species for otological research | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P213 – Risques du lipofilling au niveau de la région périorbitaire: à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
P215 – Enhancing An Ear and Hearing Program for a Philippine cleft palate population: Exploring Hearing and Hearing-related Symptoms | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P217 – traumatisme auriculaire grave : prise en charge urgente au CHU | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
P217 – Utility of using Performing Arts to disseminate information about communication disorders and its service availability- a study from rural south India | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P219 – Technique de reconstruction de la pyramide nasale.post exérèse chirurgicale de carcinome baso-cellulaire , A propos d’une série de cas | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
P220 – Comparative performance of bilingual speakers on the English and Cantonese versions of the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT) | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P221 – Widex technologies and music | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P222 – Insights from a multi-national virtual peer learning student initiative on Person-Centered Care | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P222 – Une cause rare de dysphonie: l’anévrisme de l’isthme aortique | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
P223 – Cycle of Silence – A qualitative investigation. | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P224 – Accessibility Of Audiological Services For Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Communities: A Systematic Review | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P225 – Professional Experiences of Psychosocial and Behavioural Difficulties in Children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P229 – Une dyspnée révélant un corps étranger inattendu | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
P231 – Assessment of clinical competence of audiology students: A global perspective | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P232 – Development and validation of the Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire (HFEQ) | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P232 – Les Traumatismes externes fermés du Larynx par strangulation | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
P233 – Examining the Experience of Hearing Loss-Related Disability through the Lens of the ICF | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P235 – Ketamine alone or ketamine as an adjunct to fentanyl to improve post-adenotonsillectomy analgesia in children | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P236 – Addition of magnesium sulfate to bupivacaine improves analgesic efficacy after tonsillectomy | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P236 – Assessing the efficacy of HEARS, a novel community-based hearing care program, for older Canadians with untreated hearing loss | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P238 – Primary Ear and Hearing Care tasks sharing training for Zimbabwe and Zambia health and community workers | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P239 – Microstructure of cholesteatomas as a risk factor for bone damage based on analysis in a scanning electron microscope | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P239 – Tumeur maligne du nasopharynx chez la population pediatrique : A propos de 3 cas | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P240 – Degenerative disease of the head of stapes in the course of otosclerosis as assessed by scanning electron microscopy | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P240 – Primo infection tuberculeuse révélée par un abcès parotidien chez l’enfant | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P241 – Association between Hearing Loss and the Incidence of Ischemic Stroke: A Nationwide Population-based Study in Korea | Basic and Translational Research | basic-and-translational-research | |
P241 – Cellulites cervicofaciales de l’enfant : aspects épidemiologiques, cliniques et therapeutiques | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P243 – Bronchio-oto-renal syndrome – a case report | Clinical Genetics | clinical-genetics | |
P243 – Les corps étrangers bronchiques chez l’enfant : A propos de 245 cas | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P244 – Un cas rare d’actinomycose faciale chez un nourrisson : à propos d’un cas | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P245 – Radio Tartaglia syndrome – case report | Clinical Genetics | clinical-genetics | |
P245 – Surdité neurosensoreille unilatérale chez l’enfant : Profil étiologique | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P246 – Pott’s puffy tumor : une complication rare et menaçante de la sinusite frontale à propos de 5 cas | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P246 – The effect of birth order on hearing of infants with consanguineous marriage (1 to 36 months old) | Clinical Genetics | clinical-genetics | |
P247 – Auditory Dysfunction in Primary Mitochondrial Diseases | Clinical Genetics | clinical-genetics | |
P247 – Place de la mastoïdectomie dans l’otomastoïdite extériorisée de l’enfant | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P248 – Étude de 160 Cas de Corps Étrangers Nasaux et Revue de la Littérature | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P249 – Traitement de l’abcès orbitaire sous-périosté pédiatrique secondaire à une ethmoïdite aiguë | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P250 – Symptoms of auditory processing disorders (APD) in children with tinnitus | Cognition | cognition | |
P250 – Tuberculose nasopharyngé: Illustration à travers un cas, d’une entité assez rare | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P251 – Les facteurs influençant la réponse au traitement chez les enfants atteints de rhinite allergique | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P251 – Normative values for test of central auditory processing disorder in children aged from 6 to 12 years old | Cognition | cognition | |
P253 – Exploring the Association between Cognitive and Auditory Status across different Hearing Profiles | Cognition | cognition | |
P253 – l’hypertrophie des végétations adénoïdes affecte elle la gravité de la maladie chez les enfants atteints de rhinite allergique ? | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P254 – “It’s an isolating experience to have people around you but not be able to communicate with them”: a qualitative study on the management of co-existing dementia and hearing loss in social care settings | Cognition | cognition | |
P254 – Ronflement nocturne chez un enfant en rapport avec un ostéochondrome C1 | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P255 – Exploring the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline in adults over 60: a pilot study | Cognition | cognition | |
P256 – Translation of the Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale (VFS-Peds) into Brazilian Portuguese | Cognition | cognition | |
P257 – Hearing evaluation is integral in in assessment of cognitive decline in older adults | Cognition | cognition | |
P257 – Juvenile Xanthogranuloma: A Case of Unusual Location on the External Auditory Canal | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P258 – Les tumeurs malignes cervico-faciales de l’enfant: Etude anatomo-clinique de 13 cas | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P258 – Post-intervention performance on a general cognitive assessment compared to pre-fit baseline in first time hearing aid users | Cognition | cognition | |
P259 – Attitudes toward smartphone-based self hearing test among mild cognitive impairment population; A mixed method study | Cognition | cognition | |
P259 – Corticostéroïdes par voie orale : une alternative non chirurgicale au traitement de l’apnée obstructive du sommeil chez les enfants ? Un essai contrôlé non randomisé | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P260 – Assessing and training auditory and cognitive processing in older adults with mild cognitive impairment | Cognition | cognition | |
P261 – Clinical Pathways for Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia in UK Audiology Services: A Qualitative Study | Cognition | cognition | |
P261 – Otite moyenne chronique cholestéatomateuse compliquée chez l’enfant : Prise en Charge dans notre service | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P263 – Shaping future research about co-existing dementia and hearing conditions: Adapting the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership process to support inclusivity. | Cognition | cognition | |
P264 – The dynamics of auditory working memory impairment in primary progressive aphasia and Alzheimer’s disease | Cognition | cognition | |
P265 – Carcinome papillaire de la thyroïde chez l’enfant | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P265 – Speech comprehension in reverberant virtual soundscapes in logopenic aphasia and Alzheimer’s disease | Cognition | cognition | |
P266 – Exploring Listening Effort in Adults: An Overlapping Dual-Task Paradigm in Multi-Talker Babble Noise | Cognition | cognition | |
P266 – Lorsque les angines disparues refont surface au Cameroun : De l’errance diagnostique à l’alerte nationale. À propos de deux cas de diphtérie pédiatrique | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P267 – Atrésie choanale ; à propos de 10 cas | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
P268 – Development of Hearing Care Intervention Educational Materials for Dementia Healthcare Providers | Cognition | cognition | |
P269 – Ecological Momentary Assessment in Adolescents with and without Hearing Aids | Cognition | cognition | |
P270 – Cocaine Induced Midline Destructive Lesions: about a case | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P270 – Exploring Prioritization Strategies in a Dual-Task Paradigm for Listening Effort | Cognition | cognition | |
P271 – Auditory Processing Disorder in Greek Elderly Population | Cognition | cognition | |
P271 – Mélanome nasosinusien : à propos d’un cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P272 – Management of subperiosteal abscess complication of sinusitis | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P273 – Le papillome inversé nasosinusien : un cas rare de localisation septale isolée | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P273 – The Effects of Age, Sleep, and Hearing on the Ease and Effectiveness of Communication, and the Role of Cognitive Resources | Cognition | cognition | |
P274 – Une étiologie rare d’obstruction nasale chronique : une série de cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P275 – How Does a History of Otitis Media with Effusion Impact Spatial Auditory Processing and Listening Effort in Children? | Cognition | cognition | |
P275 – Tuberculose du Rhinopharynx : à propos d’un cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P276 – Hearing intervention for decreasing risk of developing dementia in elders with mild cognitive impairment: study protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial for Chinese Hearing Solution for Improvement of Cognition in Elders (CHOICE) | Cognition | cognition | |
P276 – Les patients atteints de rhinosinusite chronique avec polypes nasaux ont eu moins d’intervention sinusiennes et une utilisation réduites des ressources de santé après l’initiation du traitement par dupilumab dans la pratique réelle aux États-Unies. | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P277 – Cognitive Performance and Quality of Life in Elderly with Hearing Loss: Use and Non-Use of a Hearing Aid | Cognition | cognition | |
P277 – L’antibiothérapie dans les sinusites compliquées: A propos de 30 cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P278 – Addressing a leading dementia risk factor by integrating hearing screening into memory care admission protocols for older adults | Cognition | cognition | |
P279 – Are central auditory processing skills in middle aged adults different from young ones? | Cognition | cognition | |
P280 – Giant concha bullosa presented as left nasal mass: case report | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P280 – The effectiveness of cochlear implantation in mild hearing loss caused by auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder associated with OTOF mutations | Complex Auditory Disorders | complex-auditory-disorders | |
P281 – Importance of ct scan in planning endoscopic surgery for sinonasal polyposis | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P282 – Oncocytic metaplasia of the nasopharynx: rare case report | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P283 – Mélanome muqueux naso-sinusien: à propos de 4 cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P284 – Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps : Predictive factors of surgery results | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P284 – Hearing aid parameters among first time users in China | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P285 – Hearing aid fitting to listen to music | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P285 – L’approche endoscopique endonasale dans la prise en charge des papillomes inversés. Notre expérience | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P286 – Chirurgie endoscopique des tumeurs nasosinusiennes : Expérience du service ORL CHU Mohammed VI de Marrakech | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P286 – The history and future of Person-Centred Hearing Care | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P287 – Auditory Rehabilitation in Rare Neurological Disorders | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P288 – Functional health literacy of people with hearing impairment and their caregivers assisted in a public hearing healthcare service. | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P288 – La granulomatose avec polyangéite du cavum : un diagnostic méconnu | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P289 – Affordability of Hearing Aids for Asian Americans in the United States | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P289 – Hamarthome adénomatoïde épithélial respiratoire du rhinopharynx : une entité rarissime à ne pas méconnaitre | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P290 – Development and usability of a theory-based text-messaging intervention to support people with hearing loss when they are first prescribed hearing aids | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P290 – Prise en charge des sphénoïdites isolées | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P291 – Rhinosinusitis complicated by a carotid infection | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P291 – Treatment for Diabetic Patients Presenting to a Community Hearing Aid Bank | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P292 – Exploring sound environment self-reports from hearing-aid users: Insights and implications for clinical feasibility | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P292 – Localisation rare d’un méningiome | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P293 – Apport de la radiologie dans la prise en charge des épistaxis graves | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P293 – Real-life preferences of hearing-aid users for adjustment of advanced features | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P294 – Chirurgie endoscopique fonctionnelle pour le traitement du syndrome de Kartagener : à propos d’un cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P294 – Frequency lowering and ski slope hearingloss | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P295 – Applying the science of health behaviour change to improve hearing aid use: from theory to practice | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P296 – It’s All About the Connections: Bluetooth Low Energy Audio Direct Streaming From a PC | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P297 – Welcome to the Real World: Using EMA as an Outcome Measure in an Australian Market Trial | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P298 – Les complications orbitaires des sinusites : à propos de 24 cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P299 – Les manifestations ORL au cours du syndrome de Kartagener | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P300 – Exploring alternate modes of hearing service delivery to address the barriers and opportunities in hearing care uptake: a scoping review | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P300 – La rhinosinusite aspergillaire invasive granulomateuse : Démarche diagnostique et thérapeutique | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P302 – Tumeur de Pott : à propos d’un cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P302 – Tympanic Membrane Perforation and Real-Ear Measurements | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P303 – Aspects radiologiques de la mucormycose rhino-orbito-cérébrale | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P303 – Hearing outcomes after otosclerosis treatment with hearing aid compared to stapedotomy: Preliminary results from a prospective intervention study | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P305 – Séquence des améliorations des critères d’évaluations objectifs et rapportés par les patients avec le traitement par dupilumab chez les patients atteints de rhinosinusite chronique avec polypes nasaux : analyse de l’étude SINUS-52 | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P306 – Mucopyocele fongique du sinus sphenoidal révélée par une paralysie du nerf abducens et occulomoteur commun : a propos d’un cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P307 – Word recognition in sentence context in background noise: Speech Spectrum Noise and Multi Talker Babble Noise. A comparative study | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P308 – Les polypes antrochoanaux ou polype de Killian : à propos de 33 cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P308 – Retrospective study of hearing aids effectiveness on hearing impaired people with tinnitus on first clinical appointment | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P309 – La dysplasie fibreuse ethmoïdale : à propos d’un cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P310 – Les ostéomes des sinus paranasaux : à propos de 7 cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P310 – Multidisciplinary hearing rehabilitation and quality of life? | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P311 – Hearing aid adoption, use and satisfaction: A survey in Quebec and France. | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P312 – A randomised controlled trial evaluating hearing aid knowledge and the effects of information leaflets with and without illustrations | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P312 – Tuméfaction Nasogénienne : Penser Au Kyste Nasolabial | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P313 – Hearing, hearing aids and their connection to postural control and balance. What do we know and how robust are the findings? | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P314 – Patterns of Request of After-Service among Different Types of Hearing Aids | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P314 – Polypose nasosinusienne juvénile. | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P315 – Chordoma of the nasal cavity: a case report | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P315 – Unveiling the Efficacy of ReSound M&RIE Receiver: Internal and External Research Insights | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P317 – la fin du dB HL pour le réglage des aides auditives | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P317 – Les facteurs influençant les résultats de la dacryocystorhinostomie endoscopique : étude rétrospective à propos de 31 cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P318 – La granulomateuse avec polyangéite : et si c’était une forme grave et réfractaire | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P319 – Hearing Aid Teleaudiology Services: Tools to Creating Confident Teleaudiology Providers | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P319 – Xanthome Sphénoïdal : A propos d’un cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P320 – Healthcare professionals´ knowledge, skills and information needs on residents´ hearing loss and hearing aids: a cross-sectional study | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P320 – Prise en charge des mucocèles nasosinusiennes à extension orbitaire | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P321 – Impact de la laryngectomie totale sur la fonction naso-sinusienne et olfactive | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P322 – Living with combined vision and hearing loss: what difference does the hearing make? | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P322 – Prise en charge de l’épistaxis aux urgences : Expérience du service d’ORL CHU Souss Massa | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P323 – Comparing Self-Fitting Strategies for Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids: A Crossover Trial | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P323 – Corrélation clinico-radiologique de la polypose naso-sinusienne : expérience de service orl-ccf chu souss massa | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P325 – Color Limitations in Over-the-counter Amplification: Colorism in Hearing Aids | Hearing aids | hearing-aids | |
P325 – Orbital emphysema after sneezing revealing a blowout fracture. | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P327 – Detect, Predict, Prevent: Using Statistical Modeling to Forecast and Monitor Ototoxic Hearing Loss | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P327 – La voie endoscopique endo-nasale dans la chirurgie des brèches ostéoméningées de la base du crâne | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P328 – mélanome malin de la fosse nasale | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P328 – Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and tinnitus: A randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical trial | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P329 – Les tumeurs malignes nasosinusiennes rares: à | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P329 – Treatment of hearing loss with stapedotomy in a patient with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P330 – Nasolabial cysts: Clinical study and particularities | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P330 – The Bonebridge BCI 602 Active Transcutaneous Bone Conduction Implant in children – objective and subjective benefits | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P331 – Nasal Septal Hematoma: clinical and therapeutic particularities | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P331 – Stapedotomy in Congenital Stapes Ankylosis with Mobile Footplate | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P332 – Prognostic factors and management of recurrent nasal polyposis | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P332 – Results of surgical treatment of unilateral and bilateral otosclerosis in children | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P333 – Effectiveness of Surgical Approach of Insertion Ventilation Tubes (Tympanostomy) and Adenoidectomy in Comparison with Non-Surgical Approach (Watchful Waiting Approach) in Children at the Age between 1 – 6, Who Suffer from Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) in 12-Month Period of Observation | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P333 – Sinonasal polyposis management in Samter’s triad patients | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P334 – Remote Check as a tele-health instrument for cochlear implant recipients: Analysis of impact and feasibility of application | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P334 – The impact of sinus imaging in the management of sinonasal polyposis | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P335 – The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Sudden Hearing Loss | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P335 – Une pyramide nasale tuméfiée révélant une éthmoidite compliquée | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P336 – Mucocèles naso-sinusiennes post-radiques | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P338 – Notre expérience dans la prise en charge des cellulites orbitaires d’origine sinusienne : à propos de 8 cas. | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P338 – Speech Perception in Noise: A Clinical Trial on Digital Microphone Systems and Hearing Accessibility App | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P339 – Cellulite Orbitaire D’origine Dentaire : A Propos D’un Cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P339 – Whole person hearing healthcare: A qualitative study of innovation and regulation in the hearing health sector | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P340 – Development of the Functional Listening for Communication Item Banks: A mixed-methods content validation study | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P340 – Hamartome épithélial adénomatoïdes de la fente olfactive : à propos d’un cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P341 – Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis: Imaging features | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P341 – Self-efficacy of families of hard-of-hearing children before and after a communicative attunement program via televideofeedback | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P342 – Refining the TeleRehabilitation Decision Support System for balance training among stroke survivors: a patient-centric approach | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P342 – Rhinolithiase: Une pathologie rare. | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P343 – Facteurs épidémio-cliniques influençant le résultat fonctionnel de la septoplastie | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P344 – A Novel Noninvasive Treatment for Microtia Using 3D Printing and Cartilage Conduction Technology to Improve Both Aesthetics and Function | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P344 – Prise en charge des Brèches ostéoméningées spontanées : | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P345 – Affronter les Sinus : À la Découverte des Enjeux de la Sinusite Fongique | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P345 – Study on the Therapeutic Effect of a Novel Small Chemical Compound for Treating Acquired Hearing Loss | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P346 – Enhancing Music Perception in Senior Hearing Aid Users through Online Workshops | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P346 – The contribution of nasal endoscopy to dacryocystorhinostomy surgery: about 30 cases | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
P347 – Improving the delivery of hearing care information through GPT-4 enhanced by Wikipedia | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P347 – syndrome de Marfan et manifestations ORL : à propos d’une observation et revue de la littérature | Otologie | otologie | |
P348 – The impact of Deaf culture on the delivery of rehabilitation services to deaf adults from the perspective of hearing health care professionals. | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P349 – Résultats auditifs, capacités de communication et qualité de vie chez l’adulte sourd post-lingual après implantation cochléaire unilatérale | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P349 – Using deep learning to improve the intelligibility of a target speaker in noisy multi-talker environments for people with normal hearing and people with hearing loss | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P350 – Deep learning models for predicting hearing thresholds of bone conduction based on air conduction | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P351 – Understanding the Impact of Hearing Loss and Evaluating Listening Conditions to Improve Speech Communication in Video Conferencing Calls | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P352 – Body movement behaviours during online speech tasks via videoconferencing platform | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P353 – atelectasie vestibulaire et IRM | Equilibre et vertiges | equilibre-et-vertiges | |
P353 – Development of a Medical Kiosk for Hearing: Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Early Diagnosis System for Hearing Loss | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P354 – Development of Artificial Intelligence Hearing Aid Chatbot | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P354 – Otologic Outcomes After Blast Injury: A retrospective case series study. | Otologie | otologie | |
P355 – Clinical and microbiological profiles of malignant otitis externa : A case series | Otologie | otologie | |
P355 – Efficacy of Virtual Reality Pure-Tone Audiometry (VR PTA) in Audiologist Training: A Comparative Study | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P356 – Educational Activities and Health Campaigns from 2022 to 2024 within Wikimedia Projects | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P356 – Impact de la consanguinité sur les résultats d’implants cochléaires | Otologie | otologie | |
P357 – A scoping review of using immersive technologies in medical education in the field of otolaryngology and audiology | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P358 – Association between amblyopia and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a nationwide retrospective study | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P358 – Implantation cochléaire robot-assistée et manuelle : Une étude intra-individuelle | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P359 – Traitement des acouphènes dans les sources thermales. Analyser les résultats à l’aide de questionnaires d’auto-évaluation | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P361 – Surdité brusque: facteurs associés au pronostic | Otologie | otologie | |
P364 – Development and evaluation of an intervention to improve the provision of mental wellbeing support within the audiology setting: the AIMER | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P364 – L’implant Nucleus CI22 : Etat des lieux 30 ans après | Otologie | otologie | |
P365 – Automated volumetric analysis of inner ear fluid space from hydrops magnetic resonance imaging using 3D neural networks | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P365 – Prise en charge des paralysies faciales post traumatiques | Otoneurologie et chirurgie de la base du crâne | otoneurologie-et-chirurgie-de-la-base-du-crane | |
P366 – Association of sudden sensorineural hearing loss with increased risk of insomnia: a nationwide population-based cohort study | Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies | innovative-technologies-and-translational-therapies | |
P369 – Hearing Protection Fit Testing: Training Generalization Between High-Fidelity Hearing Protection Devices | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P370 – Décompresson faciale dans les paralysies faciales post-traumatiques : Résultats fonctionnels | Otoneurologie et chirurgie de la base du crâne | otoneurologie-et-chirurgie-de-la-base-du-crane | |
P370 – Videogaming – A risk factor for Hearing loss? | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P371 – Etude comparative des cholestéatomes de l’adulte et de l’enfant | Otologie | otologie | |
P371 – Systemic administration of human umbilical cord perivascular cells reduces noise-induced inflammation in the brain and cochlea in a rat model of noise-induced hearing loss. | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P372 – The association between occupational noise exposure and speech perception in young adults | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P373 – Evaluating the Diagnostic Performance of Occupational Noise Exposure assessment in ENT Consultations for Patients with Age-Related Hearing Loss: A Monocentric French Study | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P373 – Traitement chirurgical des poches de rétraction tympaniques de l’enfant | Otologie | otologie | |
P374 – Comparaison des résultats entre un porte-électrode droit et périmodiolaire | Otoneurologie et chirurgie de la base du crâne | otoneurologie-et-chirurgie-de-la-base-du-crane | |
P374 – Cortical auditory evoked potential in normal-hearing individuals exposed to occupational noise | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P375 – Faut-il traiter l’otite séro-muqueuse avant l’implantation cochléaire ? | Otologie | otologie | |
P377 – Audiological methods for early hearing detection among noise- and chemical-exposed medical personnels | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P379 – association entre la presbyacousie et les troubles de la marche chez des personnes de 75 ans et plus | Equilibre et vertiges | equilibre-et-vertiges | |
P379 – Exploring Individual Responses to Noise in Diverse Environments | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P380 – performance diagnostique de l’évaluation de l’exposition professionnelle au bruit en consultation ORL | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P380 – Perilymphatic fistula due to primary blast effect. Videonystagmographic evaluation | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P381 – Sensorineural deafness due to the primary effect of the Blast ; What support ? | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P381 – Thérapie par compléments alimentaires Audistim : essai randomisé en double-aveugle dans les accouphènes chroniques | Otologie | otologie | |
P382 – Perilymphatic fistula due to primary blast effect. Videonystagmographic evaluation | Noise exposure | noise-exposure | |
P382 – Prise en charge préopératoire du cholestéatome en France : pratiques et tendances cliniques actuelles | Otologie | otologie | |
P383 – Dix ans de chirurgie de l’otospongiose en France (2013-2022): déclin et changement de technique. A propos de 35.368 interventions. | Otologie | otologie | |
P384 – Analyse des motifs d’une consultation ORL d’un centre hospitalier général, propositions d’amélioration | Otologie | otologie | |
P384 – Predictable sequential structure inflates auditory sensitivity | Psychophysics & Music Perception | psychophysics-music-perception | |
P385 – Abnormally salient sounds for hearing-impaired listeners wearing hearing aids: Is it due to excessive loudness or distorted timbral characteristics? | Psychophysics & Music Perception | psychophysics-music-perception | |
P386 – Paralysie périphérique tardive du nerf facial dans la chirurgie de l’implant cochléaire : A propos de deux cas et revue de la littérature | Otologie | otologie | |
P386 – The effect of rehabilitation training based on temporal fine structure on speech in noise perception performance on elderly with mild to moderate hearing loss | Psychophysics & Music Perception | psychophysics-music-perception | |
P387 – Mastoïdite sur Implant cochléaire : A propos de 2 cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P388 – Auditory temporal resolution and backward masking in musicians with absolute pitch | Psychophysics & Music Perception | psychophysics-music-perception | |
P388 – Perichondritis: when relapsing polychondritis should be considered? | Otologie | otologie | |
P389 – Music rehabilitation for cochlear implant users | Psychophysics & Music Perception | psychophysics-music-perception | |
P389 – Post-traumatic bilateral facial palsy: A case report | Otologie | otologie | |
P391 – CT-Scan prognostic factors of stapes surgery for otosclerosis | Otologie | otologie | |
P391 – Spectrotemporal Representation of Sound along Auditory Pathway of Musicians with and Without Absolute Pitch: Pilot Study | Psychophysics & Music Perception | psychophysics-music-perception | |
P392 – Meludia: a music tool for cochlear implant users | Psychophysics & Music Perception | psychophysics-music-perception | |
P393 – “It’s about wanting to disappear from the world…” – A Phenomenological Analysis on the Meaning of Music and Hearing-Related Risks | Psychophysics & Music Perception | psychophysics-music-perception | |
P394 – Cholestéatome de l’oreille externe : à propos d’un cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P394 – Temporal resolution and pitch discrimination in music education. Novel data in children. | Psychophysics & Music Perception | psychophysics-music-perception | |
P395 – Fabry disease presenting cochleovestibular symptoms : case report with revue of the literature | Equilibre et vertiges | equilibre-et-vertiges | |
P396 – Assessment of 20 disyllabic Albanian word lists for speech audiometry in normal hearing young adults and children | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P396 – Cas rare de sclérome primitif de l’oreille moyenne | Otologie | otologie | |
P397 – Development of the QuickSIN Test in European Portuguese | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P397 – Surdité brutale révélant une dilation de l’aqueduc vestibulaire | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P398 – profil des patients acoupheniques en ORL | Otologie | otologie | |
P399 – Fungal Necrotising Otitis Externa | Otologie | otologie | |
P400 – Double fracture trans-labyrinthique et symétrique des rochers : A propos d’un cas exceptionnel | Otologie | otologie | |
P401 – Le cartilage est-il plus efficace dans le traitement de la tympanoplastie de type I? | Otologie | otologie | |
P402 – Hearing and Functionality: Analysis of the Rehabilitation Context | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P402 – Tuberculosis otitis media : a case series | Otologie | otologie | |
P403 – Fistule péri-lymphatique post-traumatique suite à « un coup de gifle »! | Otologie | otologie | |
P403 – Hearing screening in adults by a tablet-based application | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P404 – Measuring speech-in-noise performance every week across one year | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P404 – paralysies faciales périphériques: étiologies et prise en charge | Otologie | otologie | |
P405 – Agénésie bilatérale du nerf cochléaire isolée : A propos d’un cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P406 – Hemorragie intra labyrinthique à propos d’un cas | Equilibre et vertiges | equilibre-et-vertiges | |
P406 – Short-term effects of Acoustically Controlled Training in children with impaired school performance | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P407 – Correlation of Auditory Brainstem Response Thresholds with Speech Perception in Quiet and Pure-Tone Audiometry in Adults | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P407 – Otites moyennes aigues compliquées: caractéristiques et prise en charge | Otologie | otologie | |
P408 – Involving the community to increase access to cochlear implantation for ethnically diverse populations | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P408 – Paralysie faciale périphérique : Analyse épidémiologique, clinique et thérapeutique | Otoneurologie et chirurgie de la base du crâne | otoneurologie-et-chirurgie-de-la-base-du-crane | |
P409 – La place de l’imagerie dans les fractures du rocher : Notre expérience | Otologie | otologie | |
P410 – Exploration envoûtante du Cholestéatome Primitif à travers l’Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique | Otologie | otologie | |
P410 – Monitoring the evolution of an acoustic neuroma case in audiometric and speech-in-noise evaluation | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P411 – Digits in Noise Test in Brazilian Portuguese in schoolchildren: preliminary study | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P411 – keep in mind a middle ear meningioma | Otologie | otologie | |
P412 – Evaluation of a Digit-in-Noise test for inclusive auditory research and clinical applications | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P412 – Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome : an increasingly recognized cause of cochleovestibular symptoms | Otologie | otologie | |
P413 – The Effects of Attention Mode and Stimulus Complexity on Dichotic Digit Listening in Noise | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P414 – Impact of a paediatric meningitis referral protocol in South Africa | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P415 – Auditory outcomes in non-blast related traumatic brain injury and the role of severity, aetiology and gender: a scoping review | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P415 – Otite Externe Fongique : à propos de 19 cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P416 – Study of the state and ways of improvement newborn hearing screening system in megalopolis | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P416 – Surdité de perception révélatrice du syndrome de Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada : à propos de 2 cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P417 – Analysis of the current situation and potential for improvement in newborn hearing screening – planned study | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P417 – Otospongiose : corrélation radio-chirurgicale | Otologie | otologie | |
P419 – Surdités brusques : facteurs influençants les résultats thérapeutiques | Otologie | otologie | |
P419 – Survey of students and guardians for early detection of auditory processing disorder and listening difficulties in school-age students in Japan | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P420 – Manifestation clinique et prise en charge du sydrome de Sicard : à propos d’un cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P421 – Predicting aided speech-in-noise performance using the Audible Contrast Threshold test in Japanese hearing-aid users | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P421 – Syndrome de Sicard : A propos de 7 cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P422 – Appareillage auditif conventionnel et qualité de vie. | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P422 – Validation of a Korean Digits-in-Noise Test for Categorizing Hearing Loss Severity | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P423 – La paralysie faciale périphérique zostérienne : A propos de 17 cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P423 – Lifecourse health and environmental influences on hearing in mid-life | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P424 – Development and Validation of a Hearing Telescreening Platform in the Brazilian Telehealth Program | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P424 – Les aérateurs trans-tympaniques : Indications et Résultats | Otologie | otologie | |
P425 – Cisplatin-induced ototoxicity | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P425 – Les complications post-opératoires de l’implantation cochléaire pédiatrique | Otologie | otologie | |
P426 – Standardization of the COLT (Click Ordering Lateralization Test) in adults with normal hearing | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P426 – Syndrome de ramsay hunt a propos d un cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P427 – Longitudinal Follow-up of Neonatal Hearing Loss Identified in a Regional Reference Center. | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P427 – Paralysies faciales périphériques post-traumatiques : Intérêt de l’électromyographie | Otologie | otologie | |
P428 – Évaluation des facteurs pronostiques influençant les résultats de la technique fermée pour l’OMC cholestéatomateuse (A propos de 181 cas) | Otologie | otologie | |
P428 – Validation of the AMTAS method for user operated pure tone audiometry in Sweden | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P429 – Longitudinal Changes in Pure-Tone Thresholds Among Cochlear Hearing Loss Patients: A Retrospective Analysis | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P430 – Plasmocytome du rocher : à propos de deux cas et revue de littérature. | Otoneurologie et chirurgie de la base du crâne | otoneurologie-et-chirurgie-de-la-base-du-crane | |
P431 – Multidisciplinary medical caravan : Report of the day | Humanitaire | humanitaire | |
P431 – The Relationships Between Hearing, Speech, Language, and Cognition in Typically Developing Children: First Steps in Understanding the Causes of Listening Difficulties | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P432 – A rare presentation of a unilateral bell’s palsy following mRNA covid-19 vaccine. | Otoneurologie et chirurgie de la base du crâne | otoneurologie-et-chirurgie-de-la-base-du-crane | |
P433 – Corrélation radio-chirurgicale et étude des variantes anatomiques lors de la chirurgie stapédienne des otospongioses : Focus sur la procidence du nerf facial et l’étroitesse de la fenêtre ovale | Otologie | otologie | |
P433 – Remote Speech Audiometry: A Comparative Study with Conventional Methods | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P434 – Corrélation entre dyslipidémie et surdité neurosensorielle | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P434 – Effects of auditory training in subjects with chronic subdural hematoma | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P435 – Can advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques be accepted as a clinical support tool to improve the diagnosis of ‘glue ear’ in a primary care setting? A literature review | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P435 – Paralysie faciale périphérique otogénique : du diagnostic au traitement | Otologie | otologie | |
P436 – Hearing health in the 10th decade of life – prevalence of hearing loss and implications. | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P436 – Syndrome de Wildervanck : à propos d’un cas | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P437 – Long-term hearing outcomes in children with congenital cytomegalovirus infection | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P437 – Résultats audiométriques post-opératoires des otites moyennes chroniques cholestéatomateuses compliquées de fistules labyrinthiques | Otologie | otologie | |
P438 – Caractéristiques vestibulométriques dans la migraine vestibulaire | Equilibre et vertiges | equilibre-et-vertiges | |
P439 – Cholestéatome acquis de l’oreille moyenne chez l’enfant : particularités diagnostiques et thérapeutiques | Otologie | otologie | |
P440 – Le vertige post séisme : à propos dun cas | Equilibre et vertiges | equilibre-et-vertiges | |
P441 – Le syndrome Radio-Tartaglia: à propos d’un cas | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P442 – Contribution de l’IRM avec protocole Hydrops dans le diagnostic des surdités brusques | Otologie | otologie | |
P442 – Deep learning models for predicting types of hearing loss based on air conduction hearing thresholds | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P443 – L’état de l’oreille controlatérale influence t-il le succès d’une tympanoplastie? | Otologie | otologie | |
P444 – Hearing results in children affected by congenital infectious diseases | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P444 – Panorama de la Perte Auditive Induite par le Bruit au Brésil entre 2006 et 2023 | Otologie | otologie | |
P445 – Les tumeurs du conduit auditif externe | Otologie | otologie | |
P445 – Risk factors’ effect on abnormal auditory brainstem response: 8 years of newborn hearing screening implementation | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P446 – Prehelician fistula: Clinical study and particularities | Otologie | otologie | |
P446 – Self-reported hearing loss in urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults: unmeasured, unknown, and unmanageded. | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P447 – A scoping review of ear and hearing health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 15 years and older. | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P447 – Réfections tympaniques par voie du conduit sous guidage endoscopique. A propos d’une série de 87 patients | Otologie | otologie | |
P448 – An Automated Digits-In-Noise Hearing Test using Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-To-Speech: a Proof-of-Concept Study. | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P448 – L’intérêt du scanner dans l’étude des facteurs pronostiques de l’otospongiose | Otologie | otologie | |
P449 – Audiological manifestations in patients with Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P449 – intérêt de l’interpostion de veine dans la chirurgie de l’otospongiose | Otologie | otologie | |
P450 – profil des patients acoupheniques en ORL : expérience de l’hôpital Charles Nicolle de Tunis | Otologie | otologie | |
P451 – Assessment of Ototoxicity in Aerosolized Amikacin Therapy for Refractory Nontuberculous mycobacterial Lung Disease | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P451 – Otomyiase | Otologie | otologie | |
P452 – L’otite moyenne chronique cholestéatomateuse à chaine complète : Résultats de la chirurgie | Otologie | otologie | |
P452 – The contribution of expanded targeted screening to the detection of infants with CMV-related hearing loss | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P453 – Analyse par micro-CT des os temporaux de rongeurs pour sélectionner l’espèce optimale en recherche otologique | Otologie | otologie | |
P453 – The development history of newborn hearing screening in China | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P454 – Advancing Development in Pediatric Auditory Health Care for Groups | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P454 – Cophose brutale bilatérale révélant un syndrome de Cogan : à propos d’un cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P455 – Behavioral tasks to probe listening difficulties in childrenen | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P455 – Méningiome du pédoncule cérébelleux révélé suite à une surdité brusque : A propos d´un cas | Otologie | otologie | |
P456 – Un emphysème sous-cutané pas comme les autres ! : cas clinique CARE | Otologie | otologie | |
P457 – Necrotizing otitis externa: the role of imaging | Otologie | otologie | |
P457 – Self-perceived quality of life and engagement in daily auditory activity after chemotherapy for breast cancer compared to healthy women | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P458 – Application of Text-to-Speech Synthesis and Automatic Speech Recognition in speech audiometry | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P458 – Etude des facteurs influençant les résultats anatomiques après myringoplastie | Otologie | otologie | |
P459 – Les Otites moyennes chroniques choléstéomateuses compliquées: Quelle approche chirurgicale? | Otologie | otologie | |
P460 – Efficacy of Steroid treatment for Sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients with Vestibular schwannoma | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P460 – Facteurs associés à la dégradation de la conduction osseuse après chirurgie du cholestéatome | Otologie | otologie | |
P461 – Classification EAONO/JOS et CHOL pour les cholestéatomes acquis : évaluation de l’impact thérapeutique | Otologie | otologie | |
P461 – Comparison of newborn hearing screening results between well baby and high-risk newborns: Analysis based on the national health policy in Thailand | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P462 – Caregiver perceptions on telehealth-based audiological services for infants delivered from a mobile health clinic. | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P462 – L’imagerie dans l’otite chronique moyenne cholestéatomateuse chez l’adulte : indications et résultats | Otologie | otologie | |
P463 – The outcomes of a mobile tele-diagnostic auditory brainstem response service to rural communities in Winterveldt, Pretoria North, South Africa | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P464 – Correlation Between Auditory Processing And Occupational Performance Of Office Workers | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P464 – Etude de l’acceptabilité d’un processeur tout en un pour une population pédiatrique implantée avant 30 mois | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P465 – Tolérance du traitement par le pegunigalsidase alfa dans l’ensemble du programme clinique : analyse intégrée des réactions liées à la perfusion en fonction des schémas posologiques | Otologie | otologie | |
P466 – Ototoxicity Monitoring as Part of the Emory Winship Head & Neck Multidisciplinary Cancer Clinic | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P466 – Tolérance du traitement par pegunigalsidase alfa dans l’ensemble du programme clinique : analyse intégrée des réactions liées à la perfusion en fonction du traitement enzymatique substitutif antérieur | Divers | divers | |
P467 – Association between HbA1c and Hearing Loss: A Tertiary care center- based Study | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P467 – Tuberculose de l’oreille externe | Otologie | otologie | |
P468 – L’otite externe nécrosante fongique chez les diabétiques | Otologie | otologie | |
P469 – L’atteinte de l’articulation temporo-mandibulaire dans l’otite externe nécrosante | Otologie | otologie | |
P470 – Acouphenes survenant dans les suites des effets primaires du Blast | Audiologie | audiologie | |
P470 – An Analysis of Hearing Status and Hearing Healthcare Utilization of Western Expatriates in Thailand | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P471 – Feasibility of Distortion-product Otoacoustic Emission in identification of Cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in adult cancer patients | Screening and Diagnostic | screening-and-diagnostic | |
P472 – Otite moyenne chronique cholestéatomateuse; Apport de l’imagerie aux indications des reprises chirurgicales ? | Otologie | otologie | |
P474 – Single-sided Deafness after Covid-19 Vaccination | Single Sided Deafness & Asymmetric Hearing Loss | single-sided-deafness-asymmetric-hearing-loss | |
P475 – Case of medulloblastoma in child presented with unilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss | Single Sided Deafness & Asymmetric Hearing Loss | single-sided-deafness-asymmetric-hearing-loss | |
P476 – Binaural benefit of cochlear implant in children with Single Side Deafness | Single Sided Deafness & Asymmetric Hearing Loss | single-sided-deafness-asymmetric-hearing-loss | |
P477 – Effectiveness of Group Speech Therapy: Beyond Hearing Compensation Toward a Comprehensive Strategy of Prevention of Age-Related Hearing Loss | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P478 – Funspeech : Implementation of parental guidance tools through a tablet-based serious game | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P479 – Effect of Pre-test Sensitization for Auditory Training in Hearing-Impaired Old Adults using Solomon Four Group Design | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P480 – Every word counts – a reliability analysis between Adult Word Count in LENA Pro and Manual Counts on Swedish Adults | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P481 – AudioRehab+ : Conception of a mobile auditory training application to facilitate and promote access to auditory rehabilitation in newly fitted adults | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P482 – Navigating Aural Diversity in Pediatric Aural Rehabilitation | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P483 – Perceptive and Linguistic results in Early Cochlear Implantation in Children | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P484 – Results of computer assessment in children with a cochlear implant before and after speech processor replacement | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P486 – Analysis of receptive skills of multilingual patients with cochlear implant – A systematic review | Speech and Language | speech-and-language | |
P487 – Functional near-infrared spectroscopy for cortical evaluation of tinnitus | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P488 – A questionnaire study on delayed tinnitus evaluation and associated symptoms among Chinese immigrants | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P490 – Functioning aspects in tinnitus guidelines: a scoping review | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P491 – Short term effect of simultaneous CBT and TRT for Tinnitus treatment: Analysis by subjective survey and objective quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P493 – Prevalence and Profile of Tinnitus in Puerto Rican Adults | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P494 – Auditory Training for the Relief of Tinnitus | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P495 – A Stroop Test with Auditory and Visual Stimuli for Tinnitus Patients Evaluation: Concordance with the Original Test | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P496 – Tinnitus and mild to moderate hearing loss, how to take care of them? | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P497 – Effectiveness of Computer-Mediated Educational Counseling for Tinnitus Relief: A Randomized Controlled Trial | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P498 – The Effectiveness of Microcurrent Stimulation Combined with Sound Therapy for Tinnitus Relief | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P499 – Treating tinnitus in thermal springs. Analyzing results using self-evaluation questionnaires | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P500 – Tinnitus Clinical and Epidemiological Aspect | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P501 – First insights from a digital therapeutic for tinnitus | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P502 – Tinnitus Intervention: Innovations, Trends and Strategies | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P503 – Systematic Analysis of Hyperacusis Questionnaires in Clinics | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P504 – Correlates of Anxiety and Depression in Tinnitus Complaints | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P505 – Cochlear Function in Patients with Normal Hearing and Tinnitus | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P506 – Food supplement therapy Audistim : Randomized double-blind trial in chronic tinnitus | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P507 – Effectiveness of Enriched Acoustic Environment (EAE) compared to white noise in the treatment of tinnitus: Preliminary results of a four-month intervention | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P508 – Validation of the Swedish version of the Tinnitus Functional index | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P509 – Bidirectional association between tinnitus and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P510 – Tinnitus, dreams and awakening: new insights and theoretical implications | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P511 – Preliminary results of AudioVitality’s low frequency vibratory sound stimulation for tinnitus | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P512 – Use of Some Relevant Parameters for Primary Prediction of Brain Activity in Idiopathic Tinnitus Based on a Machine Learning Applicati | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P514 – Improving audiology student training by clinical simulation of tinnitus: a glimpse of tinnitus lived experience | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P517 – Tinnitus blast treatment protocols | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | tinnitus-and-hypercusis | |
P518 – Establishing vHIT Norms for Vestibular Screening of Young and Healthy Adults | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P520 – Cognitive assessment in human patients equipped with a vestibulo-cochlear implant. | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P521 – Audiovestibular disorders in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) : A systematic review | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P522 – Relationship between vestibular loss and the risk of dementia using the 2002–2019 national insurance service survey in South Korea | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P524 – atelectasies vestibulaire:à propos de nos resultats | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P525 – oVEMP measurements using the new bone conduction transducer B250 | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P526 – Balance and the risk of falls in elderly individuals: assessment of the effects of hearing rehabilitation | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P527 – The effects of vestibular rehabilitation and dual-task training on balance and gait in sub-acute and chronic stroke survivors | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P528 – Preoperative factors of developing chronic dizziness after vestibular schwannoma resection. | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P529 – Simple dynamic stability indicators to characterise and diagnose patients suffering from severe bilateral vestibulopathy | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P530 – Can we differentiate a “conductive” from a “sensorineural” VOR impairment on vHIT? Superior canal dehiscence VS acute vestibular loss | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P531 – Spontaneous Reversing Positional Nystagmus as a sign of simultaneous ampullary and non-ampullary Posterior Canal BPPV | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P535 – Association between gait disorders and presbyvestibulopathy in 75 years old and over | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
P536 – Auditory and Vestibular Changes caused by to the Use of Hydroxychloroquine | Vertigo & Balance Disorders | vertigo-balance-disorders | |
PC001 – Maladie du charbon à localisation palpébrale chez une femme enceinte: à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
PC002 – Apport du lambeau libre antébrachial dans la reconstruction post-exentération. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
PC003 – Risk factors of skip metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
PC005 – The value of SPECT-CT in the follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
PC006 – Prise en charge de “l’osteitis fibrosa cystica” chez une patiente porteuse d’un hyperparathyroidie secondaire | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
PC007 – Résultats à long terme après traitement de malformations artérioveineuses faciales : étude rétrospective de 31 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
PC008 – Prise en charge chirurgicale de l’hyperparathyroïdie secondaire à l’insuffisance rénale chronique : Etude épidémiologique | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
PC009 – Hématome parapharyngé compressif : A propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | chirurgie-cervico-faciale-et-cancerologie | |
PC010 – Syndrome de Moebius : Réanimation du sourire | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
PC011 – Advancing Surgical Techniques: The Tenzel Flap in Lower Eyelid Skin Tumor Cases | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
PC012 – Lower lip reconstruction with a Johanson staircase flap: two cases report | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
PC013 – Management of the Prominent Ear: our experience | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
PC014 – Paralysie faciale périphérique idiopathique : Notre expérience | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
PC015 – Scalp cutaneouscyst: an entity to know | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
PC016 – Deltopectoralflap as a forgotten one : 30 cases | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
PC017 – Intérêt du lambeau frontal dans les pertes de substances oncologiques de la pyramide nasale | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
PC018 – Réparation des pertes de substance complexe du pavillon de l’oreille. | Chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice | chirurgie-esthetique-et-reconstructrice | |
PC019 – Présentation d’une méthode d’annotation des troubles de la déglutition | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
PC020 – Le myxœdème des voies aéro-digestives supérieures : Urgence Respiratoire Inhabituelle | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
PC021 – Tuberculose Laryngée – A propos de 10 cas | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
PC022 – Papillome inversé de la corde vocale : Une localisation exceptionnelle | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
PC023 – Evaluation des complications des chirurgies transorales laser glottiques : une méta-analyse. | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
PC024 – L’impact du port du masque chirurgical sur la voix des professionnels de santé : Une étude observationnelle transversale | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
PC025 – Chondrome du cartilage cricoide :à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
PC026 – Hybrid nerve tumor of the epiglotitis (schwanoma and neurofibroma | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
PC027 – Sténose laryngotrachéale : et si ce n’est pas idiopathique ? A propos d’un cas | Laryngologie et Phoniatrie | laryngologie-et-phoniatrie | |
PC028 – Réinnervation laryngée bilatérale sélective chez l’enfant: à propos de 14 cas. | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
PC029 – Simulation numérique de l’humidification des voies aériennes du nourrisson via lunettes haut-débit | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
PC030 – Choix de la taille de la sonde d’intubation chez l’enfant: une étude prospective observationnelle dans un centre tertiaire. | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
PC031 – Impact environnemental des procédures pédiatriques en ORL | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
PC032 – Traiter la rhinite allergique peut-il améliorer les performances scolaires des enfants ? | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
PC033 – Echecs d’extubation d’origine ORL en réanimation pédiatrique et néonatale | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
PC034 – Amygdalectomie intra ou extra-capsulaire : une étude observationnelle monocentrique | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
PC035 – Kystes congénitaux laryngés du nouveau né et nourrisson | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
PC036 – Les facteurs influençant la réponse au traitement chez les enfants atteints de rhinite | ORL Pédiatrique | orl-pediatrique | |
PC038 – Impact de Mépolizumab sur les troubles du sommeil chez les patients avec polypose naso-sinusienne et/ou asthme : Analyse des études SYNAPSE et MUSCA | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
PC039 – Comparaison du microbiote naso-sinusal entre des patients atteints de rhinosinusite chronique et des sujets sains | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
PC040 – Caractéristique de la maladie à l’inclusion chez les patients atteints de rhinosinusite chronique avec polypes nasaux et asthme coexistant dans le registre mondial AROMA | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
PC041 – L’instauration du dupilumab a entraîné une diminution de l’utilisation des corticostéroïdes et des antibiotiques sur 12 mois chez les patients atteints de rhinosinusite chronique avec polypes nasaux traités dans la pratique réelle aux USA. | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
PC042 – Épistaxis sévère causée par des sangsues dans les voies aériennes supérieures | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
PC043 – Management of internal nasal valve dysfunction secondary to peripheral facial paralysis: technical note and preliminary study. | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
PC044 – Dacryocystorhinostomie par voie endonasale à propos de 80 cas et revue de la littérature | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
PC045 – Traitement d’une rhinosinusite chronique infectieuse réfractaire aux traitements habituels par phagothérapie | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
PC046 – Abcès fongique à Aspergillus flavus de la cloison nasal compliquant une chirurgie nasosinusienne a propos d’un cas | Rhinologie et Allergie | rhinologie-et-allergie | |
PC047 – L’implantation cochléaire est adaptée à la chirurgie ambulatoire à tout âge de l’enfant, même chez les nourrissons | Otoneurologie et chirurgie de la base du crâne | otoneurologie-et-chirurgie-de-la-base-du-crane | |
PC048 – Vestibular migraine : an overview of clinical features and vestibular tests | Equilibre et vertiges | equilibre-et-vertiges | |
PC049 – Maladie de Ménière : recherche de présence endolymphatique de cytomégalovirus (CMV) | Otologie | otologie | |
PC051 – Récidive d’otite moyenne chronique cholestéatomateuse : Quels facteurs de risque ? | Otologie | otologie | |
PC052 – Profil audiométrique des pilotes Tunisiens | Audiologie | audiologie | |
PC053 – PFP à frigoré : influence des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires sur le tableau clinique initial et les résultats thérapeutiques | Otologie | otologie | |
PC054 – Pediatric Middle Ear Cholesteatoma: Retrospective Analysis of Surgical Cases | Otologie | otologie | |
PC055 – Syndrome de Melkersson-Rosenthal: à propos d’un cas | Otoneurologie et chirurgie de la base du crâne | otoneurologie-et-chirurgie-de-la-base-du-crane |