E-posters 2024

Titre | Catégories | Lien |
1 – Key Frequency for Loudness Discomfort Levels in Patients with Hyperacusis | Tinnitus and Hypercusis | |
2 – The relationship between auditory processing, speech, language, and cognition in children with Listening Difficulties. | Screening and Diagnostic | |
3 – Effectiveness of Hearables in Enhancing Speech Recognition in Normal-Hearing Individuals | Hearing aids | |
4 – Performance of children and adolescents on the French VRB (QuickSIN) sentence-in-noise test | Screening and Diagnostic | |
Evolution of speech perception in patients with ossified cochlea and short array cochlear implant | Auditory Implants | |
P002 – Efficacité à long terme du traitement par velmanase alfa chez les patients atteints d’alpha-mannosidose : Données regroupées de deux études d’extension (jusqu’à 12 ans de traitement) | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | |
P003 – Tuberculose ganglionnaire – A propos d’un cas. | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | |
P005 – fistule prétragienne manifestée par une lesion exophytique: à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | |
P005 – The influence of deafness and cochlear implant on working memory development in children | Auditory Implants | |
P006 – a giant cervical lipoma: a case report | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | |
P006 – Evolution of Cognitive Functioning after Cochlear Implantation in Adults Aged 55 Years and Older at Risk for Mild Cognitive Impairment: Preliminary Results | Auditory Implants | |
P007 – Early activation of cochlear implants in children | Auditory Implants | |
P007 – le carcinome secretoire de la thyroide; une entité rare : à propos d’un cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | |
P008 – Particularités du carcinome papillaire de la thyroide chez l’homme | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | |
P008 – The effectiveness of a weighted prediction error algorithm for dereverberation in cochlear implants | Auditory Implants | |
P009 – Comparison of Tonotopic and Default Frequency Fitting for Speech Understanding in Noise in New Cochlear Implantees: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Cross-Over Study | Auditory Implants | |
P009 – Skin defect in nasal pyramid cancers : Anatomo clinical caracteristics reconstruction Procedures | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | |
P010 – Cervical hamartoma: A case report | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | |
P011 – Cancers de la cavité orale et de la lèvre ; analyse rétrospective : à propos de 72 cas | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | |
P011 – Changes in Revision Cochlear Implantation and Device Failure Profiles | Auditory Implants | |
P012 – EEG-based Auditory Attention Decoding for neuro-steered hearing aids: decoding conversations in a multi-talker restaurant environment | Auditory Objective Measures | |
P013 – Medial Olivocochlear Reflex with stimulus FPL-calibration: Preliminar results in adults | Auditory Objective Measures | |
P015 – Distortion product otoacoustic emissions in patients with tinnitus and normal pure-tone thresholds. | Auditory Objective Measures | |
P015 – Lipome parotidien : A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature | Chirurgie cervico-faciale et Cancérologie | |
P016 – Predictive accuracy of wideband tympanometry in identifying conductive hearing loss in infants | Auditory Objective Measures |